Who May be Eligible for the Day Program?
*Adults with skilled nursing needs*Adults requiring assistance with activities of daily living (grooming, mobility, dressing, eating, toileting, transferring, walking, etc.)
*Adults with diagnoses such as Dementia, Alzheimers, CP, MR or adults living with TBI, amputation or blindness
*Pick-up and drop-off must be within our service area which includes most of Burlington, Camden and Gloucester counties

Who Pays for Adult Medical Day Services?
Services may be covered by Medicaid, HMO insurances, the Philadelphia Veterans Administration (click here for more information on the VA contract), private pay or other funding.To find out if you are eligible, for more information or to schedule a visit, please call our Outreach Coordinator, Dwayne Robinson at 856-912-3393 or 856-486-9737.